About Persons With Disabilities - Illustration & Editorial Design for educational book
O Osobach Z Niepełnosprawnościami

O Osobach Z Niepełnosprawnościami (eng. About Persons With Disabilities) is a social project that was initiated by Sylwia Vargas, Magdalena Szarota and Monika Mazur-Rafał, published by Humanity in Action Polska.
The book contains 55 pages, and it was created to spread knowledge about different disabilities and definitions, as well as right behaviours related to this topic.

I was asked by Humanity in Action to work on another educational project. I gladly took the commission because it always gives me a lot of pleasure to work on materials that share valuable knowledge about social topics.

The topic of disabilities is often a tabu one, people don’t know how to act and react to people with disabilities. What are the right words and definitions to use? This book surely explains a lot of important topics.

Who are persons with disabilities? The book includes subjects of physical disabilities but also explains how to act with people with Down syndrome or suffering from depression.

When finding inspirations for my illustrations I tried to look for different sources. Realistic but also indirect vision of disability.

This publication contains also a guide how to help and support people that are bullied because of how different they are. I think it’s a great lesson for especially young people.

The interactive style of the book is not accidental. This way we wanted to invite the people to read, colour and fill in the book. Sometimes overloaded amount of information doesn’t invite for reading. I believe that this way we could transmit the most important information in a pleasant way.

At the end of the book I illustrated and placed portraits of the authors where they explain why the are working towards the change.